A Recipe for Success

Everyone wants success, so do you. Everyone knows the foundation for success, I am sure you do too. However do you feel that you have applied all the basic elements – confidence, willingness to change etc. – but still have not become successful enough? Check out this “success” recipe. You will never think that the answers are so simple!





Having fun

Letting go



Staying true


  • Stay true to yourself on what you want to pursue at all times. Hard work only comes with passion and that’s the key to success. Spend an hour to relax, listen to your heart, and you will find your way. One important thing to remember, money DOESN’T necessarily equal success. Even if the job can earn you pots of dough, don’t bother to take it if that’s not what you are desperate to do.
  • Less always means more. Spent the whole morning deciding today’s lunch? You’ve lost at least 4 hours on working towards your goals! Unnecessary decisions always complicate life and drive away your mind. Eventually you will lose focus on work. So why don’t live as simply as possible? Simpler life, more time.
  • Never wait for chances but create your own opportunities. Leave your comfort zone and knock the door of others. If you are lacking funds for your start-up, go communicate with the potential contributors; if you really want to enter certain multinational corporations but they don’t have any job openings, go contact them now. Doing so is risky and they may give you the cold shoulder, but you may thank yourself for being this bold and making a difference in your career.
  • Relaxation brings creativity. Want to play Candy Crush Soda Saga? Go ahead! Even workaholics need time and space to relax the mind lest they run out of ideas. Thinking out of the box means so much to the success of your business as it makes you stand out from the crowd. So go get your smartphone and start playing! Just make sure you stop before running out of “lives” and your job.
  • Let go the failure and have fun with it. Asking “Why do I always have to suffer?” Life is never easy, neither is your career. Failure is part of growth in success. You know that complaining does not help but embracing it with gratitude do. Enjoy hard times and learn from the mistakes. And here comes the joy of success. Remember, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
  • Never get complacent in victory. Congratulations on your accomplishments! However this is just one of the milestones in your way to success. Don’t let victory blinds your eyes and visions. Examine why you rose to the top, keep focused and refine your future plans. Remember, always stay true to the origin of the journey – why you wanted to be successful at the very beginning.
  • Sleep is the key to success. You won’t become successful before loving yourself. Never stay up the whole night at the price of making invaluable sacrifices – harming your health, unless you really have an urgent project needs to be finished. Successful people hit the hay early as being well rested helps boost their moods and keep a sharp focus. Want to take one step closer to success? Deposit more into your sleeping bank NOW!

Feeling surprised that the ingredients are so simple? Yes, these are nothing complicated, but it is not that easy to commit. It takes hard work and time. But don’t worry, you will succeed in time as long as you are patient and keep moving.

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Anthony Goddard