Back-to-School Tips

By Anthony Goddard | August 20, 2016

With a well-rounded summer vacation ending, parents spend a lot of time getting their kids ready for school. New school supplies, haircuts, and special end-of-summer outings all play into the back-to-school routine. There are some other things that parents can do for themselves and their kids to ensure a smooth transition into the school year, too. Take a look below at few ways to get this year off to a great start in your house.

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If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs

By Anthony Goddard | August 1, 2016

This quote is about your future, and what your plans for it might be. If you have no specific plan, or aren’t working on your dreams, what will you be doing?

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Grow Your Small Business Through Social Media

By Anthony Goddard | July 27, 2016

With more than 65 percent of adults using social media today, it’s integral to the success of your small business to be actively present on Facebook and Twitter. While social media is a great way to connect with brand advocates, many small business owners wonder which social networks they should join.

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Why Your Small Business Needs an SSL Certificate

By Anthony Goddard | July 26, 2016

The Internet of Things has changed the way businesses and consumers think about security. According to identity theft protection services provider Lifelock, research confirms that one in four people have experienced identity theft. When you build a website for your e-commerce site, you have to take rigorous steps to protect your company and the data that you collect from customers.

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Optimize the Design of Your Website For Better Conversions

By Anthony Goddard | July 22, 2016

Millions of entrepreneurs are doing business without a strong conversion management policy. That’s like building a highway but forgetting to put up speed limit signs, route markers, and services plaques. You can’t just build a website and hope your content is enough to motivate web traffic to trust your brand— you have to actively guide prospects toward buying decisions. If you’re serious about growing your business, you can’t ignore conversion stats.

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